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Cezar Giosan (2020). Evolutionary psychology and counseling and psychotherapy. In Todd K. Shackelford (Ed.), The SAGE Handbook of Evolutionary Psychology. SAGE International Publishing. ISBN: 9781526489166.

Cezar Giosan (2020). Cognitive Evolutionary Therapy for Depression. Springer International Publishing.

Cezar Giosan (2016a). Infidelitatea (Infidelity). In Cezar Giosan (Ed.), Psihologia evolutionista. Modele teoretice si cercetari actuale (Evolutionary Psychology. Theoretical models and current developments) (pp. 99–121). Bucharest: Editura Universitara. Link.

Cezar Giosan (2016b). Modul de adaptare al speciei umane (Adaptations of the human species). In Cezar Giosan (Ed.), Psihologia evolutionista. Modele teoretice si cercetari actuale (Evolutionary Psychology. Theoretical models and current developments) (pp. 9–24). Bucharest: Editura Universitara. Link.

Cezar Giosan (Ed.). (2016c). Psihologia evolutionista. Modele teoretice si cercetari actuale (Evolutionary Psychology. Theoretical models and current developments). Bucharest: Editura Universitara. Link.

Cezar Giosan (2016d). Psihopatologie evolutionista (Evolutionary Psychopathology). Bucharest: TREI. Link.

Cezar Giosan & Cristina Codreanu (2015). Problematica HIV/SIDA. Aspecte medicale si psihologice (HIV/AIDS issues. Medical and psychological aspects). Bucharest: Editura Universitara. Link.

Cezar Giosan (2014). Retentia de personal (Personnel retention). In Eugen Avram (Ed.), Psihologia Sanatatii Organizationale (1st ed., Vol. 2, pp. 9–24). Bucharest: Editura Universitara. Link.

JoAnn Difede, Judith Cukor, Ivy Patt, Cezar Giosan, & Hunter Hoffman (2006). The application of virtual reality to the treatment of PTSD following the WTC attack. In Rachel Yehuda (Ed.), Psychobiology of posttraumatic stress disorder: A decade of progress (Vol. 1071, pp. 500–501). Boston: Wiley Blackwell, on behalf of the New York Academy of Sciences. See Table of contents. See Amazon link.